Message archive

He Is Able: Amazed

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series on faith with a message entitled, “He Is Able – Amazed” All throughout creation we see the Glory of God displayed. When we ponder all that our God has done, our natural response should be to stand in awe. On the day when we stand before the Father, there will be no…

He Is Able

Pastor Sean Obergfell begins a series on building faith with a message entitled, “He Is Able.” Luke 17:5 tells us that the very apostles that walked with Jesus and witnessed His ministry desired that He would further increase their faith. When we define the object of our faith as Jesus Christ, we can put our focus completely…

The Heart That Gives

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? The Bible says that it is the one who is generous that prospers. You must plant seeds to reap a harvest. It is the man who gives cheerfully that is blessed. Where your finances go,…

The Heart That Speaks

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? The Bible is clear that we reap that which we sow. The seeds that we plant within our hearts will produce the fruit for which they reflect. Our words have power, but it is out…

The Satisfied Heart

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? Do we let the circumstances in our life shape the course of our attitude? When David was at the end of his rope, fearing for his life and hiding out in a cave, he made…

The Heart That Worships

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? Is our worship genuine? Are we sincere in action and speech, or have we hidden ourselves behind a mask of artificial living? We know that God knows our hearts, but it is when we begin…

A Thankful Heart

Pastor Sean Obergfell continues the series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? God not only notices a thankful heart, but He expects one. There is so much that we have to be thankful for. Our sincere gratitude should be the very evidence in our lives that we…

God Knows The Heart

Pastor Sean Obergfell begins a new series entitled, “Matters of the Heart.” When God looks at your heart, what does He see? If we recognize that our lives don’t line up with the Word of God, are we willing to change? When David was anointed King, it was because God had found a man after His…